The analysis of implementation of pharmacist protocols in the practical activities of pharmacies in Ukraine


  • O. M. Lischishina State Expert Center MOZ Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. O. Shylkina State Expert Center MOZ Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. Ye. Dobrova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • V. V. Propisnova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • T. Yu. Kolodyezna National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



pharmacist protocols, pharmaceutical care, appropriate use of medicines


In recent years in Ukraine pharmacist protocols are actively developed and implemented in practical activities of the pharmacy branch professionals. They are intended to unify the assistance to visitors of pharmacies in the framework of the concept of responsible self-medication. To assess the state of implementation of the standards developed in the form of pharmacist protocols it is needed to inspect constantly their practical use by pharmacists in their work. The article describes the results of a survey of practical pharmacy specialists, who work in the pharmacies of Ukraine, and the analysis has been conducted. The results have shown awareness of a wide number of specialists in such concepts as pharmaceutical care, self-medication, as well as a high interest of the respondents in the special literature on pharmaceutical care. The article indicates that less than a half of the specialists were able to give a clear definition of «pharmacist protocols», but almost the same number of respondents could not give such a definition of this concept. The conclusion has been made about the need to pay more attention to the training of specialists on this topic. Although most professionals are aware of the existence of such protocols, less than a half of the specialists are guided by them in their practice. Regarding the availability of pharmacist protocols in pharmacies, it should be noted that they are available in less than a half of the institutions. These results indicate that the pharmacist protocols developed are not widely used by specialists of practical pharmacy in their work; therefore, it is needed to carry out further work in their implementation in the pharmacists’ everyday use when assisting visitors of pharmacies.

Author Biographies

O. M. Lischishina, State Expert Center MOZ Ukraine

к. мед. наук, директор департаменту стандартизації медичних послуг ДП "Державний експертний центр МОЗ України"

O. O. Shylkina, State Expert Center MOZ Ukraine

начальник відділу методичного забезпечення новітніх технологій в сфері охорони здоров'я департаменту стандартизації медичних послуг


V. Ye. Dobrova, National University of Pharmacy

докт. фарм. наук, професор кафедри клінічної фармакології та клінічної фармації


V. V. Propisnova, National University of Pharmacy

к. фарм. наук, доцент кафедри клінічної фармакології та клінічної фармації


T. Yu. Kolodyezna, National University of Pharmacy

старший лаборант кафедри клінічної фармакології та клінічної фармації



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Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy