The pharmacological substantiation of hyaluronic acid application in combined soft medicines in dentistry




reparative activity, hyaluronic acid, gel, stencil wounds


Treatment of periodontal disease is one of the most important and complex problems of dentistry. Among periodontal diseases, gingivitis is the most common form of damage to the periodontal tissues; without proper treatment it tends to develop into a progressive form of periodontitis. Despite many years of experience in the use of stable combinations of antibacterial agents in dental gels, the creation of new combined drugs with the improved biopharmaceutical properties remains an urgent task for pharmaceutical industry.

Aim. To study the wound-healing effect of the gel and determine the effect of the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition on the intensity of the reparative process.

Materials and methods. The wound-healing activity of new objects was studied on the model of a full-layer stencil wound. The test drugs were applied daily once a day in the dose of 20 mg/cm2 until complete healing. The main indicators of verification of the wound-healing effect of drugs were the area of stencil wounds, the rate of the healing rate and the percentage of animals with healed wounds.

Results. The results of the dynamics of planimetric parameters showed that from the 4th and 7th days of the treatment the reduction of the wound area under the effect of the gel with hyaluronic acid was probably more effective than in the groups where the gel without hyaluronate and the reference drug were used. Complete epithelialization of wounds in all animals in the group where the combined gel was used was observed on day 14 compared to day 21 in the control group.

Conclusions. By its reparative action the dental gel with hyaluronic acid is not inferior to the reference drug with methyluracil and miramistin and significantly exceeds the effectiveness of the gel without hyaluronate, which makes it a promising object for the in-depth pharmacological study and further clinical application.

Author Biographies

D. S. Orlenko, National University of Pharmacy

postgraduate student of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy and Economics

D. V. Lytkin, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), deputy director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Applied Pharmacy

A. L. Zagayko, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Biology (Dr. habil.), professor, vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical work

V. K. Yakovenko, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy and Economics


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs