The theoretical substantiation of the search for potential medicinal products containing biologically active substances from the food plant raw material




biologically active substances, vegetable substances, raw materials from plants of celery genus, carrot roots (CR), parsnip roots (PR)


Considering that food plants have a stable raw material base and proved harmless to the human body, the use of raw materials of food plants to create new MP is relevant and has several advantages: sufficient raw material base, meaningful efficiency and high safety level.

Aim. Theoretical justification of the search for potential medicinal products based on the food plant row materials, in particular, carrot roots and parsnip roots.

Materials and methods. Clinical and pharmacological analysis of the databases of scientific information (articles, monographs, abstracts of theses, etc.) was conducted from Ukraine and worldwide (NCBI, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Google Scholar, Google Academy). This information includes contain data on the search, development, preclinical research, clinical trials, application in officinal medical practice on the basis of plant-based row materials, in particular, carrot roots and parsnip roots.

Results. The conducted study allowed to prove the relevnce, timeliness, expediency and prospect of search of new promising medicinal products on the basis of raw materials of food plants of the Celery genus of carrot roots and parsnip roots.

Conclusion. Within the process of the study if has been justified that plants of celery genus planted carrot and planted parsnip, having powerful, affordable and cheap raw material base, are the sources of substances containing the amount of biologically active substances promising to create on their basis new drugs with cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory, nephroprotective, wound healing, reparative action, and they are prospective in terms of the introduction into medical practice for the treatment of skin lesions.

Author Biographies

T. I. Iermolenko, Kharkiv National Medical University

Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Prescription writing

N. S. Chorna, Kharkiv National Medical University

Philosophy Doctor, Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology and Prescription writing

O. M. Shapoval, Kharkiv National Medical University

Philosophy Doctor, Associate professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Prescription writing


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Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy