The experimental study of the effect of Gluquamine on the electrolyte metabolism in rats with renal failure




gluquamine, quercetin, glucosamine hydrochloride, N-acetylglucosamine, electrolyte metabolism, renal failure


Renal failure, which is the main clinical manifestation of chronic kidney disease (CKD), is accompanied by development of severe electrolyte metabolism disorders. Therefore, when searching effective drugs for the CKD treatment it is expedient to study their effect on the metabolism of electrolytes in conditions of renal failure development.

Aim. To study experimentally the effect of Gluquamine on the electrolyte metabolism in rats with renal failure in order to substantiate the feasibility of its use in the CKD therapy.

Materials and methods. Mercuric chloride nephropathy in rats was used as a model of renal failure. Urinary excretion of sodium, potassium and chloride ions was determined in animals, and the sodium filtration charge, its relative reabsorption and sodium-potassium coefficient were also calculated.

Results. Three weeks after the renal failure simulation under the effect of Gluquamine there was a significant increase in excretion of sodium, potassium and chloride ions compared to untreated animals, indicating the normalization of the excretory function of the kidneys. The stimulating effect on the sodium filtration charge index, its relative reabsorption, and the sodium-potassium coefficient decrease were also observed. This indicates the normalization of the electrolyte metabolism. At the same time, by its effect Gluquamine significantly exceeded the activity of reference drugs quercetin and lesprefil by the majority of parameters.

Conclusions. In conditions of development of renal failure in rats Gluquamine normalizes urinary excretion of ions, has a positive effect on the electrolyte metabolism and is a promising drug for the CKD therapy.

Author Biographies

S. K. Shebeko, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Department

I. A. Zupanets, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Medicine (Dr. habil.), professor, head of the Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Department

A. S. Shalamay, PJSC SIC “Borshchahivskiy CPP”

Candidate of Chemistry (Ph.D.), Deputy Director for Science


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs