Glucosamine – a promising corrector of menopausal symptoms


  • O. S. Sinitsyna Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement of the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • I. M. Ryzhenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • G. V. Zaychenko Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine



spayed female rats, estrogen deficiency, genitourinary menopausal syndrome, cream-gel with 5 % glucosamine hydrochloride, vaginal suppositories with estriol


Genitourinary disorders occupy a significant place in the in the symptomatology of the climacteric syndrome and estrogen deficiency in women. In this regard, the urgent task of modern medicine and pharmacy is the search and creation
of new medicines for correction and treatment of these menopausal symptoms.

Aim. To study experimentally the efficacy of the genitourinary syndrome treatment with a new vaginal cream-gel containing 5 % glucosamine hydrochloride, in female rats with hypestrogenism.
Materials and methods. The hypestrogenism status, which was close to the state of women at menopause, was modelled in rats using bilateral oophorectomy.
Results. During the study it was found that after the 28-day intravaginal introduction of the cream-gel to female rats the pH value of the vaginal secretion was restored to 5.8 (p<0.05) compared to the group of animals of the control pathology up to the physiological range. The vaginal microbiocaenosis was also improved. A moderate decrease of the number of
opportunistic pathogens, increase of lactobacillus colonization by 1.3 times (p<0.05) compared to the group of animals of the control pathology and no effect on clostridia were observed. The study of the vaginal histostructure showed that the cream-gel had no “typical” estrogenic effects on the state of the vaginal mucosa compared to the reference drug – suppositories with estriol, but at the same time it reduced the manifestations of the endothelial dysfunction in the vaginal vessels.
Conclusions. The test sample examined can be considered as promising for further studies in order to use it for pharmacological correction of the genitourinary menopausal syndrome in women.

Author Biographies

O. S. Sinitsyna, Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement of the National University of Pharmacy

senior laboratory assistant of the Clinical Pharmacology Department

I. M. Ryzhenko, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Medicine (Dr. habil.), professor of the Pharmacology Department

G. V. Zaychenko, Bogomolets National Medical University

Doctor of Medicine (Dr. habil.), professor, the head of the Pharmacology Department


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs