Clinical and economic analysis of the pharmacotherapy in children with functional dyspepsia




functional dyspepsia, pediatric patients, clinical and economic analysis, ABC-analysis, VEN-analysis, frequency analysis


Functional dyspepsia (FD) is one of the most common functional diseases of digestion organs in children; it is characterized by decrease of the quality of life and significant costs for the diagnosis and treatment.
Aim. To carry out clinical and economic analysis of pharmacotherapy in children with FD in hospital environment.
Materials and methods. The retrospective analysis of 86 case histories of children with FD aged from 7 to 13 years treated in the gastroenterology department of the Kharkiv healthcare institution was carried out. The study was performed within 2015. Clinical and economic analysis of the pharmacotherapy prescribed for these patients was carried out using ABC-, VEN- and frequency analyses.
Results. Using the “formal” VEN-analysis it was determined that the majority (88.24 %) of the prescribed medicines were present in the Ukrainian clinical protocols of medical care of pediatric patients with FD and concomitant diseases
reported in the disease histories studied. Based on the results of frequency analysis it was found that these drugs constituted the most of the drug prescriptions – 86.20 %. Using ABC analysis it was determined that 76.56 % of funds associated with the pharmacotherapy of pediatric patients with FD in this department were spent on them.
Conclusions. Based on the results of ABC-, VEN- and frequency analyzes the real pharmacotherapy prescribed for pediatric patients with FD in this Kharkiv healthcare institution can be considered rational in general from both clinical
and economic points of view, but it needs further correction according to clinical protocols of medical care.

Author Biographies

O. O. Gerasymova, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Pharmacoeconomics

I. V. Meshcheryakova, National University of Pharmacy

master student of the specialty “Clinical Pharmacy”


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