The study of the antigoitrogenic effect of the extract from Laminaria on the model of mercazolilum-induced hypothyroidism


  • V. O. Orlova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • V. M. Kravchenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. A. Scherbak National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • V. A. Georgiyants National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • I. M. Vladymyrova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



extract from Laminaria, thyroid gland, mercazolilum hypothyroidism, thyroid hormones


The paper presents the results of the experimental study of the effect of the aqueous extract from Laminaria on the thyroid function compared to Iodomarin on the model of mercazolilum-induced hypothyroidism. It has been found that the extract from Laminaria reveals the antigoitrogenic effect determined by measuring the weight of the thyroid gland, and it exceeds the effect of Iodomarin. Introduction of the extract from Laminaria and Iodomarin does not lead to recovery of the thyroid hormone level in the blood, which is significantly reduced in experimental animals with mercazolilum-induced hypothyroidism. However, taking into account the stimulating effect previously determined on the hormone-synthetic function of the thyroid gland in intact animals the marked antigoitrogenic effect revealed on the model of experimental hypothyroidism, and improvement of thyroid hormone level at the end of the experiment give grounds to conclude about the thyroidstimulating effect of the aqueous extract from Laminaria under study.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs