The model of interaction between the parties engaged in clinical trial management in the data capture process


  • K. O. Zupanets Institute of qualification improvement of specialists in pharmacy NFAU, Ukraine
  • V. Ye. Dobrova Institute of qualification improvement of specialists in pharmacy NFAU, Ukraine



clinical trials, bioequivalence studies, initial documents, case report form


The analysis of quality assurance of the data capture process at the clinical site in the process of management of the phase I clinical trials and the bioequivalence studies of drugs has been conducted. It has been found that the dynamics of the risk factors “Errors in clinical trials and clinical data capture at the clinical site” and “Improper registration and operation of clinical data” is caused by the actions of the personnel when collecting the data, registering the information in the source documentation, transferring the data into case report forms, as well as controlling the quality of these processes performance. The important role of the efficient work organization of all parties involved in such processes has been identified. The model of the functional interaction has been suggested, and distribution of the responsibilities between the parties involved in the management of the phase I clinical trials and the bioequivalence studies of drugs while assessing initial documents and case report forms has been determined. The introduction of the approaches proposed at the clinical site work will allow to implement the quality management principles in the phase I clinical trials and the bioequivalence studies of drugs, as well as it will simplify the conversion to electronic case report forms.

Author Biography

V. Ye. Dobrova, Institute of qualification improvement of specialists in pharmacy NFAU


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Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy