The effect of a vaginal gel with hop cones phytoestrogens on the hormonal state and morphostructure of the reproductive organs in spayed rats


  • O. S. Sinitsyna National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • G. V. Zaychenko The Institute of qualification improvement of specialists NUPh, Ukraine
  • I. M. Ryzhynko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • Yu. B. Laryanovska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



spayed rats, gel with hop cones, estrogen deficiency, phytoestrogens


The article considers the results of the experimental study of the therapeutic action of a new gel with the combined composition containing phytoestrogens of the hop cones dense extract. Hypoestrogenism of animals close to that of women in menopause was simulated through bilateral spaying of females. Sham-operated animals were subjected to laparotomy and wound suturing without removal of ovaries. It has been determined that 28-days introduction of the vaginal gel results in increase of the estrogen level in the blood serum, decrease of local morphofunctional disturbances of the vaginal mucosa and the uterus in rats resulting from hypoestrogenism. The data obtained show prospects for development of vaginal drug dosage forms with the hop cones extract for treating urogenital disfunctions in the climacteric syndrome.

Author Biography

O. S. Sinitsyna, National University of Pharmacy

Аспирант кафедры фармакологии


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs