The effect of “Casdent” dental tincture on the course of generalized periodontitis in rats


  • I. V. Stephaniv National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • L. V. Iakovlieva National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • S. A. Grashenkova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



experimental periodontitis, rats, clinical signs, dentistry, tincture, histological studies


In the study, experimental periodontitis was simulated in 36 male rats, and 6 rats were intact. During 1 month 2-month-old animals were kept on a special diet: homogenized food, animals received 2% EDTA solution instead of drinking water. It has been found that the prolonged decrease of the chewing function leads to development of generalized periodontitis. Inflammatory periodontal processes are presented with swelling of the gums, emergence of the gingival crevice and appearance of gingival pockets. Inflammatory and destructive processes affect both periodontal soft and hard tissues. The use of “Casdent” tincture in case of the experimental periodontitis significantly reduced the clinical presentation of inflammation, restored blood parameters to the values of the control group and improved morphometric indicators of periodontal tissues. The therapeutic effect of the tincture dramatically increased the protective antioxidant levels in the serum and the gingival homogenate (the catalase activity – by 1.8 and 2.0 times and RG – by 1.4 times), and inhibited lipid peroxidation processes by 1.6-1.8 times. It may indicate the powerful antioxidant properties. It has been found that the new dental tincture used in the treatment regime has a greater effect than “Phytodent” tincture. It is accompanied by improved clinical presentation and treatment outcomes. The therapeutic effect of “Casdent” tincture is aimed at all pathognomonic links: reduces the rate of bone tissue resorption, normalizes the state of microvasculature and the epithelial layer and, consequently, prevents destruction of circular relationships and formation of periodontal pockets. The drug under research can be considered promising for further study in order to introduce it into clinical practice.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs