The research results of tenders of drug supply for cancer patients in Ukraine


  • G. L. Panfilova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



state target programmes, cancer patients, prevalence of cancer, tender purchases of medicines


The article presents the results of analysis of the pharmaceutical supply of patients according to the state target programme “Oncology”. For the first time the comparative analysis of the dynamics of drug procurement in current and constant prices, as well as the amounts of purchased products per one cancer patient has been carried out. It has been determined that during the period of 2009-2013 a complex dynamics of changes in the amount of the drugs purchased was observed; it did not correspond to the nature of changes in the prevalence of malignant tumors in Ukraine. During 2009-2013 there was increase in the amount of tender procurement against reduction in the total amount of drugs purchased by the international non-proprietary and trade names of drugs. On average, the state spent 219,00 UAH or 27,59 US dollars per one cancer patient. These indicators do not meet the needs of patients with cancer pathology in the available drugs that are recommended by clinical protocols for conducting courses of chemotherapy. Due to an unstable currency at the foreign exchange market and the low solvency of the population the abovementioned facts have a negative socioeconomic importance and require immediate action. A characteristic feature of the tender procurement is a significant dominance in the range of drugs imported (70.7-84.1%). As a result of the research and systematization of literature data the basic measures to improve the efficiency of pharmaceutical supply of cancer patients in Ukraine have been developed. The author has made the conclusion about the need of introduction of the cost reimbursement mechanism of drug consumption into practical healthcare in the conditions of decrease of the regulatory impact on pricing at the domestic pharmaceutical market.


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Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy