Dynamics of the activity of lipid peroxidation under conditions of acute regional myocardial ischemia


  • S. I. Kryzhna National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • M. E. Bereznyakova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. M. Litvinova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • G. P. Fomina National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • L. V. Karabut National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • Yu. N. Avidzba National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine




quinoline ethanamide, lipids, membranes, peroxidation


The effect of quinoline ethanamide on the activity of lipid peroxidation has been investigated in acute regional ischemia of the heart muscle. It has been shown that the antioxidant effect of quinoline ethanamide is implemented as a result of reduction in the content of primary molecular products of lipid peroxidation in tissues and blood. The results of the biochemical study have been confirmed by submicroscopic examination of the myocardium paying attention to the ultrastructure of the cardiomyocyte nucleus, sarcoplasm, the presence of mitochondria in the juxtanuclear area, borders of the “insert disc” between sarcomeres, etc. After introduction of quinoline ethanamide in animals the number of mitochondria significantly increased, borders of “insert discs” between sarcomeres slightly “expanded”, a lot of different organelles appeared in the sarcoplasm. Restoration of the myocardiocyte ultrastructure has been confirmed by the changes revealed appearring due to hypoxia and in the presence of the antioxidant action of both tocopheryl acetate and quinoline ethanamide. Data concerning the content of conjugated dienes and trienes in the myocardium and the blood serum of animals show that vitamin E and quinoline ethanamide significantly inhibited generation of both the primary and secondary products of free-radical oxidation. Unidirectionality of shifts in the myocardium and the blood serum is also notable. The results of studying the content of Schiff bases have shown that Vitamin E and quinoline ethanamide inhibited generation of such bases both in the myocardium and the blood serum. When comparing the drugs’ activity, it has been found that quinoline ethanamide to a greater degree prevented accumulation of peroxidation products.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs