The study of pharmacodynamics of alcoholic and aqueous extracts from Bupleurum aureum fisch


  • O. I. Naboka National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • S. Z. Khouari National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. Yu. Koshevaya National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • A. V. Glushchenko Institute for Continuing Education of Pharmacy Professionals at the NUPh, Ukraine



hepatitis, hepatoprotectors, membrane-stabilizing action, Bupleurum aureum


Drug-induced liver injury has approximately 10 percent of adverse effects associated with pharmacotherapy. This issue is particularly important to pediatrics. The multifactorial pathogenesis of the liver injury identifies the prospects of finding new hepatoprotectors of the plant origin with a wide spectrum of the pharmacological activity. Bupleurum aureum (hare’s ear) has long been used in folk medicine for the liver diseases treatment. This plant has a choleretic, wound-healing, and tonic effect. Aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Bupleurum aureum contain a large amount of flavonoids (quercetin, isorhamnetin, rutin, narcissine), tannins and phytosterols. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential hepatoprotective and membrane-stabilizing effects of herbal extracts of the aerial part of Bupleurum Aureum on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatitis in vivo. The study of pharmacodynamics of alcoholic and aqueous extracts from Bupleurum aureum Fisch. was carried out under conditions of the rats’ acute experimental hepatitis caused by tetrachloromethane. It has been found that prophylactic introduction of extracts of the aerial part of Bupleurum Aureum to rats restores the bile secretion and synthetic function of the liver. It has been determined that the herbal extracts studied have hepatoprotective and membrane protective properties. High effectiveness and a wide spectrum of pharmacological properties of extracts of Bupleurum Aureum can be described by their chemical composition. The alcoholic extract of Bupleurum aureum has been found to possess the maximum efficiency. This extract is not inferior to found reference drugs “Silibor” and “Quercetine”.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs