The experimental substantiation of advisability of introducing an adjuvant to the composition of the immunobiological solution “Candidocyde”


  • M. V. Rybalkin National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • N. I. Filimonova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



candidiasis, antigen, vaccine, immunity, adjuvant


Candidal disease is growing around the world, and it is associated with a wide administration of antimicrobial, hormonal medicines and cytostatic drugs. To fight candidal infections the studies in developing vaccines against candidiasis are carried out actively in recent years in the world. At the premises of the National University of Pharmacy at the Biotechnology Department and the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology the authors have developed a potential vaccine – the immunobiological solution “Candidocyde” based on the associated antigens of C. albicans and C. tropicalis fungi obtained by using ultrasound. For the purpose of the experimental substantiation of advisability of introducing an adjuvant to the composition of the immunobiological solution “Candidocyde” developed for preventing and treating candidal infections and based on the antigens of C. albicans and C. tropicalis fungi with the protein concentration of 3 mg/ml the samples of the solution “Candidocyde” separately with aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate as adjuvants have been prepared and studied. The studies were performed in white mice with six animals in the group. The experimental samples in the volume of 0.2 ml were injected intramuscularly twice with the interval of 14 days. According to the results of the research conducted it has been found that the immunobiological solution “Candidocyde” based on the antigens of C. albicans and C. tropicalis fungi with the protein concentration of 3 mg/ml and the adjuvant under study with two intramuscular injections in the volume of 0.2 ml does not provide efficiency increase when preventing and treating candidal infections. Therefore, the adjuvant introduction into the composition of the immunobiological solution “Candidocyde” is impractical.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs