Tolerability of different pharmacotherapeutic methods with aliskiren and nebivolol in hypertensive patients


  • O. S. Nalyotova Donetsk National Medical University named after M.Gorky, Ukraine



arterial hypertension, aliskiren, nebivolol, combined use


It has been proven that monotherapy with aliskiren (150-300 mg/day) and nebivolol (5-10 mg/day) provides hypertensive patients of stage II (essential hypertension) with effective decline of office systolic (SP) and diastolic (DP) blood pressure values to normotonic ones at the end of week 4 of their treatment. The use of combined therapy (aliskiren 150 mg/day + nebivolol 5 mg/day) effectively reduces the indicators of SP and DP at the end of week 2 of their treatment. It has been shown that when conducting different pharmacotherapies (aliskiren 150-300 mg/day; nebivolol 5-10 mg/day; aliskiren 150 mg/day + nebivolol 5 mg/day) none of patients discontinued the treatment due to “unsatisfactory” tolerability for the 8 week period. Neither “unsatisfactory” nor “satisfactory” tolerability of treatment was registered for any variant. The same number of patients in the groups assessed tolerability as “excellent” and “good”. There was no statistically significant difference of distribution of the patients’ assessment of the treatment tolerability for all groups of comparison (p>0.05). From 16.3% to 20.0% of patients of all groups experienced different complaints within 8 weeks of treatment. The rate of complaints was insignificant, once or twice per month, and it was nearly the same during the whole period of treatment. There were no statistically significant changes of the rate at different stages of treatment (p>0.05). In all cases the complaints of the patients of all groups were the following: “headache”, “fatigability”, and “nausea”, “dry cough” and “sleep disturbances”. These complaints were recurrent and didn’t affect the patients. There was no need to stop the treatment due to the side effects. All the patients’ complaints were foreseen because they were stated by the manufactures as the side effects. During the whole study the forms of statistical account of all side effects #137-y were filled out and submitted to the Department of Post-registration Supervision of the State Expert Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. There were no statistically significant differences of the parameters during the analysis of variance. These results prove that the changes revealed have the random disposition and are not regular, i.e. the results belong to one parent universe.


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Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy