The study of the antiulcer activity of biofiton® “healthy stomach” on acute alcohol-prednisolone stomach ulcer in rats


  • O. A. Kolisnyk College of the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. G. Chistyakov Scientific and Production Pharmaceutical Company “AIM”, LLC, Ukraine
  • S. M. Drogovoz National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • A. Yu. Pozdniakova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



phytotherapy, gastric ulcer, antiulcer activity


Improvement of the methods of extraction of biologically active substances from the plant raw material is one of the forms of herbal drugs optimization. When treating gastric ulcer it is expedient to use the complex therapy oriented to neutralization of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, protection of its mucous membrane against aggressive factors, reduction of inflammation and acceleration of reparative processes. In this regard drugs of herbal origin are the most promising; it is stipulated by their high activity in combination with low toxicity. The subject of the study is biofiton® “Healthy stomach” tablets produced by Chistyakov herbalist shop; they contain althea roots (13%), cinquefoil rhizomes (11%), plantain leaves (11%), licorice roots (11%), motherwort herb (11%), yarrow herb (11%), marigold flowers (10%), camomile flowers (10%), calamus rhizomes (9%). This phytodrug has been made with the help of the unique modern technology of cryomechanic activation of the plant raw material, which is completely different from all known methods of extraction of biologically active substances. This technology gives the opportunity to concentrate the main properties of the herbal drugs of different biochemical nature in a small volume. The aim of this study is to prove the antiulcer activity of biofiton® “Healthy stomach”. The antiulcer activity of the drug has been studied in the dose of 120 mg/kg (calculated with the help of the coefficient of species sensitivity) on the model of acute alcoholic prednisolone gastric ulcer in rats. As a result, the antiulcer activity of biofiton® “Healthy stomach” has been proven experimentally and is 75.5%; practically it is equal to the activity of the reference drug ranitidin, which antiulcer activity is 85.1%. Therefore, high efficacy of biofiton® “Healthy stomach” makes it promising for prevention of the recurrence and in complex treatment of gastric ulcer.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs