Current approaches to the multi-vector search of perspective plant objects for new medicines


  • O. F. Piminov Institute of qualification improvement for pharmacists, Ukraine
  • L. I. Shulga Institute of qualification improvement for pharmacists, Ukraine
  • T. S. Beztsenna Institute of qualification improvement for pharmacists, Ukraine



methodology, phytomedicines, development of the composition, medicinal plant raw material


The work is devoted to possible approaches concerning the search of promising plant objects for creating new medicines and their use by the example of herbal collections for dental practice. 110 prescriptions of folk and traditional medicine used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of parodontium and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity have been chosen and analyzed. The belonging of herbal components of the collections studied to the families of Asteraceae (16.39%), Rosaceae (11.48%), Lamiceae (9.02%), and Apiaceae (6.56%) has been determined. The number of herbal compositions in prescriptions has been calculated and according to the results the dominance of the group with 4-6 ingredients has been revealed. Analyzing the plants in prescriptions according to the type of the raw material it has been found that in compositions of herbal collections the overground parts, such as herbs (30.15%) and leaves (17.65%), are dominant types of the raw material. In collections studied according to the rating of usage the most frequently used plants are garden sage, wild chamomile, oak, calendula, St. John’s wort, sedge, stinging nettle, thyme, common yarrow, common origanum, wild rose. For the indicated list of medicinal plants stable combinations with other species of plants represented schematically have been grouped. The ways of conducting the research together with the data obtained concerning the search of promising plants that can be used for scientific evidence of the compositions of multicomponent medicines based on the medicinal plant raw material intended for drug therapy of a number of pathological conditions, particularly inflammatory stomatological diseases, have been outlined.


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