Comparison of the antiglaucoma drugs course doses in DDD per year per a patient and their cost for choosing the effective and affordable treatment


  • O. V. Makarenko “Dnipropetrivsk Medical Academy” State Institution, Ukraine
  • O. V. Kryvoviaz National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine
  • S. O. Kryvoviaz National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine



ATC/DDD methodology, antiglaucoma medicines, pharmacotherapy


The aim of the study was to determine the need in antiglaucoma drugs in non-monetary and monetary terms per a patient for one year of treatment using the ATC/DDD methodology. The theoretical value of monotherapy for one patient per year has been calculated using DDD for the group of drugs S01E – “Antiglaucoma agents and miotics” set by the WHO. The analysis of the results has allowed to distinguish three groups of antiglaucoma drugs depending on the cost of the annual monotherapy: domestic products of “S01E D01 – Timolol” group – less than 100,00 hrn per year per a patient, timolol of foreign manufacturers and drugs of “S01E B – Parasympathomimetics” group – 100,00 to 1000,00 hrn. The cost of treatment with carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, prostaglandin analogues and combined drugs ranges from 1 to 3,5 thousand hrn per year. The results obtained have shown that patients who use “Xalatan” (0.005% eye drops, 2.5 ml vials No.3) have the lowest demand in antiglaucoma eye drops in physical terms. However, in monetary terms the need for this drug is 1656,37 hrn per year. The inverse relationship is observed for “Pilocarpine” (1% eye drops 5 ml) and “Pilocarpine” (eye drops 10 mg/ml 5 ml). The need for physical terms t is the highest (29,2 vials per a patient a year), while the cost per a patient a year in monetary terms is only 165,27 hrn and 186,30 hrn, respectively.


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