Assessment of pharmacotherapy of patients with diabetes mellitus type ii in hospital environment


  • O. M. Kyrychenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. A. Kyrychenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. M. Matiyash National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



diabetes mellitus type II, pharmacoeconomics, frequency analysis


The assessment of drug therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus type II in hospital environment has been conducted. Using frequency analysis the dominant directions of pharmacotherapy for diabetes (pathogenetic therapy and therapy of complications formed as a result of metabolic disorders and angiogenic changes) have been determined. Priorities of physicians regarding prescription of drugs have been specified. The schemes of insulin therapy used in the therapeutic department and their compliance with the national treatment protocol of patients with diabetes have been analyzed in detail. Based on the data obtained the absence of doctors’ prescription of the schemes with long-acting insulin analogues has been determined and the need for pharmacoeconomicresearch in Ukraine in order to determine the rationality of their use in clinical practice has been revealed. The drugs that are the most expensive by the cost of treatment (4 trade names of thioctic acid and actovegin) have been determined. The issues for consideration by the local formulary committee concerning the possibility of replacing expensive drugs on their less expensive analogues under condition of their respective clinical effectiveness and availability at the pharmaceutical market have been identified. According to the results of “cost minimization” pharmacoeconomic analysis the expediency of replacing the more expensive items by the cost of treatment (berlition, thiogamma, espa-lipon) on less expensive analogue – dialipon has been determined; it will allow to use costs of the medical institution more efficiently.


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