Histopathological changes of the kidneys and liver in alloxan-induced diabetic mice treated with goutweed (aegopodium podagraria l.) Medicines


  • O. V. Tovchiga National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • V. O. Synytsia Chernigiv Regional Pathoanatomical Bureau, Ukraine
  • S. Yu. Shtrygol’ National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • N. V. Besditko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine




mice, alloxan-induced diabetes, kidney, liver, goutweed


The influence of the goutweed dry extract (1 g/kg), goutweed tincture (1 and 5 ml/kg) and “Arphasetin” tea infusion (18 ml/kg) on the histological structure of the kidneys and liver in alloxan-induced diabetic mice has been investigated. In three weeks after the pathological process induction in the nontreated mice dystrophic changes with the partial transition to necrobiosis and necrosis in the kidneys and liver, protein casts within the renal tubuli and lympholeucocytal infiltration in the liver were found. The goutweed dry extract (1 g/kg) and “Arphasetin” tea infusion (18 ml/kg) normalize the structure of the renal tubuli (granular dystrophy of the kidney epithelium and necrobiosis foci in some histological samples were evident), prevent pathological changes of hepatocytes (on the background of the extract the vascular plethora, hepatocytes granular dystrophy and hypertrophy of some cells were detected, on the background of “Arphasetin”, in addition to the abovementioned changes, single necrobiosis foci were registered). Necrobiosis and necrosis were not detected in the kidneys and liver of the animals treated with the goutweed tincture in the of dose of 5 ml/kg, but the vascular plethora was present. Granular dystrophy of the epithelium and protein casts within some tubuli were seen in the kidneys, granular dystrophy of hepatocytes was registered in the liver. The goutweed tincture in the dose of 1 ml/kg did not show the protective action on the histological structure of the kidneys and liver. Thus, a dry extract of goutweed (1 g/kg), the goutweed tincture (5 ml/kg, but not 1 ml/kg) and “Arphasetin” tea infusion (18 ml/kg) improve the histological structure of the kidneys and liver in alloxan-induced diabetic mice, prevent necrosis development and infiltration of tubuli with protein casts. The goutweed extract in the dose of 1 g/kg is considered to be the most promising medicine for further research.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs