The basic approaches to pharmacotherapy of helminthiases and prospects of phytomedicines development for their treatment


  • K. V. Tolochko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • L. I. Vishnevska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



helminthosis, pharmacotherapy, phytotherapy, medicinal plant raw material


Parasitic infections are one of the most acute and urgent problems of modern global society. The fact that most cases of helminthiases of the digestive system falls on children of the preschool and early school age is of particular relevance. Pharmacotherapy of helminthoses of the digestive system involves the preparatory stage, causal treatment and elimination of complications of the past disease. It is important to observe the diet. Foreign treatment standards provide two stages of treatment: elimination of helminths (medicines based on mebendazole, albendazole, thiabendazole, niclozamine, praziquantel) and elimination of complications of the past disease. In addition, non-pharmacological treatment is recommended, it includes good nutrition and personal hygiene. The domestic market of antihelmintics is represented by drugs based on praziquantel, mebendazole, albendazole, piperazine, pyrantel, levamisole, and one drug in the form of medicinal plant raw material – tansy flowers. Most of these medicines are produced abroad (57.9%). The age limits vary from the 6th months to 14 years. The price proposals on antihelmintic medicines vary depending on the dose, type of a dosage form and producer. The folk medicine offers a variety of prescriptions for treating helminthoses based on medicinal plants. On the basis of the analysis of the folk medicine formulations 11 medicinal plants have been identified as promising for creation of the complex phytomedicine with the antihelmintic activity.


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Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy