A comparative study of the analgesic and antipyretic effect of the interleukin-1 receptors recombinant antagonist


  • E. N. Kovalenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine




raleukin, acetic acid convulsions, milk fever, antipyretic, analgesic effect


In recent years the speical attention was focused on the problem of effective and safe anti-inflammatory drugs creation and introduction into medical practice. According to the modern concepts the activation of cytokines is one of the inflammatory process triggers. So the correction of quantitative, qualitative and functional disorders of cytokine regulation, in particular by blocking the receptors that are sensitive to the cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), is one of the promising areas of the modern anti-inflammatory therapy. The article presents the results of the comparative experimental study of the raleukin IL-1 receptors recombinant antagonist analgesic and antipyretic properties. It was found that on the model of acetic acid convulsions in mice raleukin showed the moderate analgesic activity, which is considerably inferior to analginium. However, it is necessary to note that raleukin showed the analgesic effect  in the dose 3 mg / kg, which is 17 times less than the dose of the reference drug. On the model of milk fever in rats raleukin showed the expressed antipyretic effect in preventive input mode and the moderate one in the medical input. The difference in the severity of antipyretic activity of the drug at the various input modes can probably be explained by the fact that during the medical regime we are dealing with the consequences of the IL-1 propirogenic effect as the result of cytokin stage launch, so blocking IL-1 receptor in this case does not affect the severity of the process, which is already running. And the preventive raleukin introduction allows to slow down the beginning of the cytokine cascade launch. The fixed pharmacological raleukin properties allow to considerate this drug as a promising anti-inflammatory agent, makes reasonable the further deep experimental study with the aim to determine the features of its therapeutic effect.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs