The clinical and economic analysis of pharmaceutical provision of patients with depressive disorders in hospital environment


  • O. S. Yakovleva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine



depression, clinical and economic analysis, pharmaceutical provision of patients with depressive disorders


The results of the clinical and economic analysis of pharmaceutical provision of patients with depressive disorders in the departments of the specialized healthcare institution in 2015 are presented. It has been found that drugs for the pathogenetic treatment of depression account for the greatest number of medical prescriptions in the structure of drug consumption. Thus, according to the results of studies the greatest number of prescriptions and the highest amount of drug consumption are per three antidepressants. More than half of the resource has been spent on consumption of drugs that are essential by the requirements of the regulatory framework regulating the issues of medical care to patients with depressive disorders. Taking into account the fact that a significant number of the patients who underwent inpatient treatment had a recurrent nature of the disease further pharmacoepidemiological studies of the drug consumption should be expedient, namely determination of the rationality of prescribing drugs with the antidepressant action using the ATC-DDD methodology.


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