The methodology for development and standardization of medicinal, veterinary and cosmetic agents based on sapropel and its processing products




methodological approaches, pharmaceutical development, sapropel and products of its processing, medicines


Sapropel has a great economic importance. The main applications of sapropels are agriculture (farming, animal husbandry), building material production (wood-fiber boards, thermal insulation materials), medicine (therapeutic muds, cosmetics), geology (drilling fluids), etc.
Aim. To create a scientific and methodological approach to the complex sapropel processing and the development of the composition, technology and standardization of medicinal, veterinary and cosmetic agents based on sapropel and its processing products.
Materials and methods. The studies were conducted by analyzing electronic and paper information sources concerning sapropel resources, composition, biological activity and applications; marketing analysis of the market of medicinal, veterinary and cosmetic agents based on sapropel and its processing products.
Results. The methodology of the complex sapropel processing for preparing medicines includes information search, research, and biological blocks, which, in their turn, consist of a series of sequential stages that are interrelated and complement each other. Taking into consideration methodological approaches the algorithms of experimental studies of the complex use of sapropel for sapropel extraction and development of therapeutic and prophylactic and cosmetic agents, as well as the pharmaceutical development methodology of semi-solid dosage forms and veterinary preparations with sapropel extracts for external use applied as the basis of creating a dermatotropic medical product for dermal administration and veterinary preparation for the cattle udder care, have been proposed.
Conclusions. Based on the algorithmic principle the methodological approach proposed allows providing the complex use of sapropel and its processing products when developing medicinal, veterinary and cosmetic products. These products are original, stable during storage, with a pronounced specific activity and the absence of toxic effects.

Author Biographies

O. Ye. Strus, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), associate professor of the Department of Drug Technology and Biopharmaceutics

N. P. Polovko, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor of the Drug Technology Department


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Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy