The study of the peculiarities of the diuretic action of 2-oxoindoline acylated derivative – N-[(2-oxoindoliniliden-3)-2-oxyacetyl]-valine propyl ester-[(2-oxoindoliniliden-3)-2-oxyacetyl]-valine propyl este




indolinoren, N-[(2-oxoindoliniliden-3)-2-oxyacetyl]-valine propyl ester, diuretic activity


An important issue of modern medicine is the pharmacological correction of regulatory mechanisms of the excretory renal function aimed to normalize the changed water-electrolytic balance in a diseased body. In order to establish the functional balance and correct renal disorders diuretics are used.

Aim. To study the effects of N-[(2-oxoindoliniliden-3)-2-oxyacetyl]-valine propyl ester (the conventional name is “Indolinoren”) on the excretory renal function when the repeated doses are administered in spontaneous diuresis and water load, and to determine a possible mechanism of the diuretic action.

Materials and methods. The tests were conducted on white non-pedigree rats. The conditionally effective dose of indolinoren (29.5 mg/kg) was intragastrically administered to rats with spontaneous diuresis and water load for 7 days. The values of the excretory renal function were studied.

Results. Both under conditions of spontaneous diuresis and under conditions of water load the repeated administration of indolinoren promotes a significant increase of diuresis, which is associated with an increased excretory renal function – natriuresis and, to a lesser extent, kaliuresis. A significant increase in uric acid excretion was observed (by 1.7 and 2 times on day 5 and 7, respectively). It may indicate the uricosuric effect of indolinoren.

Conclusions. It has been determined that the possible mechanism of the diuretic action of indolinoren is associated with inhibition of tubular reabsorption, which is indirectly indicated by the increase of natriuresis and kaliuresis on the background of the simultaneous urination increase. The uricosuric properties of indolinoren have been found, it is indicated by an increase of uric acid excretion; these findings require further confirmation.

Author Biographies

А. Yu. Markina, Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement at the National University of Pharmacy

external PhD student, senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology

O. Ya. Mishсhenko, Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement at the National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), professor, head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs