The assessment of professional competence of pharmaceutical employees on the issues of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs in the treatment of children with ARVI




method of survey, pharmaceutical employees, ARVI in children, antiviral drugs, immunostimulating drugs


The article presents the results of a survey of 380 pharmacy workers on the issues of antiviral and immunostimulating agents for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children.

Aim. To assess professional competence of pharmaceutical employees on the issue of selling antiviral and immunostimulating drugs for treating children with ARVI in the pharmacy network.

Materials and methods. The survey was conducted in Kharkiv among the students studying in the correspondence course of the 5th and 6th years of theNationalUniversity of Pharmacy and working in the pharmacy. The questionnaire included two parts. The first part concerned the general information about the respondents (age, gender, specialty, the length of service, position in the pharmacy, the range of drugs in the pharmacy). In the second part pharmacists responded to the questions on peculiarities of selling antiviral drugs and immunostimulants for the treatment of children with ARVI in pharmacies.

Results. The results obtained have shown that, in their opinion, the interrogated pharmacists have the sufficient level of professional competence concerning the recommendations of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs for children with ARVI. By the objective assessment 70 % respondents sell antiviral drugs without a prescription, breaking the rules for dispensing prescription drugs.

Conclusions. Pharmaceutical employees do not sufficiently use regulatory documents in their work with the evidence base for effectiveness and safety of medicines (National Drug Formulary ofUkraine, clinical protocols); it indicates an insufficient level of professional competence regarding awareness of the sources of information on the evidence base of drugs.

Author Biographies

O. V. Tkachova, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr. habil.), associate professor of the Department of Pharmacoeconomics

N. O. Horkusha, National University of Pharmacy

postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmacoeconomics

A. O. Silaev, National University of Pharmacy

post-graduate student of the Department of Pharmacoeconomics


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