Analysis of economic affordability of the antihypertensive therapy for the treatment of hypertension


  • L. V. Iakovlieva National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. S. Tsvyk National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



hypertension, affordability ratio, coefficient of the solvency adequacy, first line antihypertensive drugs


Hypertension (HTN) is a common disease, which main manifestation is high blood pressure (BP). Nowadays, HTN is found in 30-40% of the adult population of the world. The prevalence of HTN in the population increases with age. Among people aged 18-29 years old the prevalence of HTN is 4%; aged 50-59 years old – 44%; among people aged 60-69 years old – 54%, and aged 70 and older – 65%. The aim of this study was to evaluate the range and economic affordability of antihypertensive drugs. The analysis has shown that the range of the first line antihypertensive drugs includes 35 INNs of drugs represented by 570 TNs. Most part of the market – 68.5% is taken by foreign drugs and only 31.1% – by domestic drugs. The range of antihypertensive drugs includes drugs of different generations: in addition to well-known drugs there are also new ones that have significant advantages both in terms of clinical efficiency and safety. The analysis of economic affordability has shown that the vast majority of drugs are highly affordable for the Ukrainian consumers, and their total number when calculated at the maximum price is 54.3% (19 INNs) of all drugs presented at the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. The share of drugs with average affordability is 37.1% (13 INNs); it allows the average citizen of Ukraine taking drugs during the entire treatment of HTN without experiencing a significant impact on his/her own budget, and only 8.6% (3 INNs) are drugs with low affordability. But drugs with low affordability are modern and have significant advantages when used in clinical practice compared to available analogs.


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