The study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Maldian in pathological conditions of different genesis


  • N. G. Vakhnina College NFAU, Ukraine



malonic acid derivatives, anti-inflammatory action, maldіan, carrageenan edema, formalin edema, dextrin edema, histamine edema


The anti-inflammatory activity of a new compound – di-(2,4-dimethyl) anilide malonate, the code name – “Maldian”, has been studied in the article. The study of the anti-inflammatory action of Maldian and research aimed at the selection of its effective dose were carried out on models of carrageenan foot edema, formalin foot edema, dextran foot edema and histamine foot edema in rats. It has been found that Maldian exhibits the maximum anti-exudative action in the dose of 7.3 mg/kg. The anti-inflammatory activity of Maldian does not depend on the pathology genesis (phlogogenic agents: carrageenan, formalin, dextran, histamine) or is not inferior to the efficacy of the reference drug Diclofenac sodium in the dose of 8 mg/kg. Maldian (di-(2,4-dimethyl) anilide malonate) is a promising compound for further pharmacological study and introduction into medical practice as a new modern drug with the anti-inflammatory action.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs