Gender differences in antiplatelet therapy of ischaemic heart disease


  • I. A. Zupanets National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. E. Zaprovalna State Institute “National Institute of Therapy named after L.T. Malaya of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • I. F. Grintsov National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • I. A. Otrishko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



ischemic heart disease, antiplatelet therapy, acetylsalicilic acid, gender differences


The number of data about the gender differences in cardiovascular diseases course and treatment is continuously growing. The importance of this parameter for the treatment definition is undoubtedly. In this publication the results of comparative activity of plateles gomeostasis in men and women (106 patients) by long-term therapy with acetylsalicilic acid are shown. According to our results, the long-term administration of ASA in standard dosage was inhibiting agregative activity of platelets less effective in women than men. This effect was also most prominent in the case of arachidonat-induced platelets agregation correlating with respond on ASA. The defined in this work gender differences in respond on ASA monotherapy by IHD can be used for further development of treatment guidelines with focus on gender adjusted therapy. Further investigations in this field are crucial.


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Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy