Acute toxicity and the hypoglycemic action of n,n΄-(ethane-1,2-dyyil)bis(quinoline-2-carboxamide)


  • O. N. Kalapko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • S. Yu. Shtrygol` National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • B. V. Paponov V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • S. V. L’vov V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine



N, N΄-(ethane-1, 2-dyyil)bis(quinoline-2-carboxamide), acute toxicity, hypoglycemic effect, diabetes mellitus, therapeutic index, alloxan


The results of the study of N,N΄-(ethane-1,2-dyyil)bis(quinoline-2-carboxamide) as a potential hypoglycemic agent on the model of alloxan diabetes, as well as in normoglycemic rats are presented, the “dose – effect” relationship and acute toxicity in various routes of administration have been determined. Proceeding from the theory of pharmacophores the test compound can be considered as a dimer of 2-(4,5-dihydroimidazol-2-yl)quinoline hydrochloride (BU 224), a blocker of I2-imidazoline receptors, but it is not a dimer in terms of organic chemistry. It has a strong hypoglycemic effect in intragastric administration in the dose range of 7.92-31.67 mg/kg. The maximum hypoglycemic effect is provided by the dose of 15.84 mg/kg. ED50 equals 11.64 mg/kg, the therapeutic index is 54.42 indicating a sufficient breadth of the therapeutic effect and safety of the test compound. In normoglycemia N,N΄-(ethane-1,2-dyyil)bis(quinoline-2-carboxamide) decreases the blood glucose level at the dose of 15.84 mg/kg, while the doses of 3.96 mg/kg and 7.92 mg/kg do not affect the blood glucose level, and it indicates that the features of pharmacodynamics and the hypoglycemic effect depend on the state of the carbohydrate metabolism. It has been shown that in hyperglycemia the hypoglycemic effect is observed starting at the dose of 7.92 mg/kg, and higher doses. However, in healthy animals, the aforesaid dose does not affect the blood glucose level. In the intraperitoneal administration the hypoglycemic effect is evident at the lower dose of 1.5 mg/kg exceeding metformin at the dose of 100 mg/kg by its hypoglycemic activity. In the intraperitoneal administration N,N΄-(ethane-1,2-dyyil)bis(quinoline-2-carboxamid) belongs to moderately toxic substances (toxicity of class III, LD50 = 10.005 mg/kg), in the intragastric administration – to low-toxic substances (toxicity of class IV, LD50 = 633.45 mg/kg).


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs