Analysis of the efficiency of using different triple-therapy schemes of helicobacter pylori eradication in children with destructive changes of the duodenal mucosa


  • A. V. Nalyotov Donetsk National Medical University named after M.Gorky, Ukraine



Helicobacter pylori, eradication schemes, children, chronic gastroduodenal pathology, erosion of the mucous membrane, duodenal ulcer disease


The study was conducted in the gastroenterological department of Donetsk City Children Clinical Hospital No. 1. The study involved 120 children aged 12-17 years old with erosive and ulcerative changes in the duodenal mucosa on the background of Helicobacter pylori persistence. All patients were divided into four groups of comparison. Patients of group I received omeprazole + amoxicillin + nifuratel, group II – amoxicillin + clarithromycin + colloidal bismuth subcitrate, group III – omeprazole + clarithromycin + nifuratel, group IV – omeprazole + clarithromycin + amoxicillin. The efficiency of different methods of Helicobacter pylori eradication in children with duodenal ulcer and erosive bulbitis has been studied. None of the schemes of anti-HP therapy used allows to achieve Helicobacter pylori elimination in 100% of the cases in children with destructive changes of duodenal mucosa. It has been found that the combination of clarithromycin and amoxicillin with omeprazole or colloidal bismuth subcitrate allows to achieve eradication of Helicobacter pylori in 80% of cases in children with erosive and ulcerative changes in the duodenal mucosa. It is necessary to develop new, combined, more effective schemes for the treatment of erosive-ulcerative changes in the duodenal mucosa, which would be available and safe for application in pediatric practice.


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Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy