The influence of recombinant antagonist interleukin-1 receptors on the course of tetrachloromethane hepatitis in rats


  • K. G. Shchokina National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



ARIL-1, tetrachlorinemethane hepatitis, hepatoprotective action


As we know, the growth of the abundance and morbidity indicators, poor treatment outcomes, inadequate diagnosis define the problem of chronic liver disease as one of the most complex in modern medicine. In the pathogenesis of the severe inflammatory response in hepatitis of different genesis with development of liver failure and cholestasis the main role belongs to cytokines that are involved in attracting inflammatory cells in the lesion, which leads to the death of hepatocytes. Interleukin-1 (IL-1), which is one of the most important pro-inflammatory cytokines, occupies an important place in the process of liver damage in hepatitis. Taking into account a significant role of IL-1 in development of inflammation and cytolysis of hepatocytes the aim of our research was to determine the hepatoprotective action of the original recombinant receptor antagonist IL-1 on the model of chronic tetrachloromethane hepatitis in rats. The article gives the results of the experimental study of the influence of the original recombinant antagonist interleukin-1 receptors (ARIL-1) on development of chronic tetrachlorоmethane hepatitis in rats. The experimental liver damage was caused by a subcutaneous injection of carbon tetrachloride in the dose of 0.2 ml/100 g twice a week for 60 days. Herbal hepatoprotector Silibor was selected as a reference medicine. It has been found that ARIL-1 exceeds Silibor by its influence on the INC, survival of animals, the ALT activity, urea level, total protein in the serum, the content of DC and TBA-P in the rat liver homogenate. It allows to conclude that ARIL-1 is not inferior to the reference medicine by its hepatoprotective effect, and even exceeds it in the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.


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Pre-clinical studies of new drugs